Updating your new SEF

The New Headings

Following the introduction of the new Common Inspection Framework (CIF) from Ofsted the online Self Evaluation Form has been amended to include these new headings:

  • Overall Effectiveness
  • Effectiveness of Leadership and Management
  • Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
  • Outcomes for Children
  • Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The information currently held on your online SEF will have been migrated to these new headings, however Outcomes for Children is a new judgement and therefore information and data will need to be added accordingly.

What to include

The CIF Early Years Inspection Handbook states that “Inspectors will take account of current levels of development and progress and make a relevant judgement on learning outcomes for children by evaluating the extent to which all children progress well from their starting points and children meet or exceed the level of development that is typical for their age so that they can move on to the next stage of their education”.

Therefore your SEF should include:

  • how you evalate children’s progress towards the early goals in relation to their starting points, their individual needs, how long they have been at your setting and how often they attend.
  • how you gather starting points information. For example talking to parents about the level of children’s social, communication and physical skills and by staff observing new children to the setting.
  • your monitoring of children’s progress towards the early learning goals. This should include:
    • evidencing whether children are working at typical levels of development, are likely to reach them or are exceeding them;
    • evidencing the support provided to children who are disadvantaged or under performing;
    • how you complete the Progress Check at age 2;
    • evidencing consistency across all areas of learning; and
    • how you support disabled children, those with special educational needs or with English as an additional language to progress.

Other evidence

This data will currently be collected in your tracking systems but it is important to also provide information in your SEF regarding the frequency that this information is collected, how it is evaluated and most importantly how it is used to identify and plan for children’s next steps.

Updating the rest

To ensure that the rest of your SEF is up to date and is in line with the new headings you can use the Ofsted Early Years Inspection Handbook for guidance. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-inspection-handbook-from-september-2015

We can help

If you are struggling to keep your SEF updated and feel the time would be better spent elsewhere in your business dinky ones provides a SEF update service.

Costing just £20 per month we will update and review your SEF on your behalf, contacting you every quarter to see if there are any changes or additions and then completing these for you.

Interested? Simply complete the contact form below and we’ll get back to you.